; integer { "min" => integer, "max" => integer } or ; real { "min" => float, "max" => float, "precision" => integer } or ; char { "maxLength" => integer, "menuStyle" => "append" or "overwrite", "match" => "anywhere" or "leading" or "equal", "charMenu" => string, "pattern" => string, "fullTextOptions" => "none" or "indexed"} or ; diary { "fullTextOptions" => "none" or "indexed"} or ; enum and bitmask array of strings or ; enum { list of strings (arrayref) (2.x-4.x only) "enumLimits" => hashref to enumLimits hash (5.x only) } or undef
Last changes to this page 27th June 1997 by d.j.adams@soton.ac.uk