Active Link Attributes Structure

This structure is returned by function ars_GetActiveLink.

For ARS version 4.5:

 "actionList"      => list of references to Active Link Action Structure,
 "controlField     => integer,
 "elseList"        => list of references to Active Link Action Structure,
 "enable"          => integer enumeration,
 "executeMask"     => integer bitmask,
 "focusField"      => integer,
 "groupList"       => list of integer,
 "helpText"        => string,
 "lastChanged"     => string,
 "name"            => string,
 "order"           => integer,
 "owner"           => string,
 "query"           => reference to internal struct,
 "schemaList"      => list of one or more strings,
 "timestamp"       => integer
 "changeDiary"     => list of references to Diary Entry Structures
 "objPropList"     => list of references to Property Hash
For ARS version 3.x and 4.0.x:
 "actionList"      => list of references to Active Link Action Structure,
 "controlField     => integer,
 "elseList"        => list of references to Active Link Action Structure,
 "enable"          => integer enumeration,
 "executeMask"     => integer bitmask,
 "focusField"      => integer,
 "groupList"       => list of integer,
 "helpText"        => string,
 "lastChanged"     => string,
 "name"            => string,
 "order"           => integer,
 "owner"           => string,
 "query"           => reference to internal struct,
 "schema"          => string,
 "timestamp"       => integer
 "changeDiary"     => list of references to Diary Entry Structures
For ARS 2.1 and earlier:
 "actionList"      => list of references to Active Link Action Structure,
 "displayList"     => list of references to Display Structure,
 "enable"          => integer enumeration,
 "executeMask"     => integer bitmask,
 "field"           => integer,
 "groupList"       => list of integer,
 "helpText"        => string,
 "lastChanged"     => string,
 "name"            => string,
 "order"           => integer,
 "owner"           => string,
 "query"           => reference to internal struct,
 "schema"          => string,
 "timestamp"       => integer
 "changeDiary"     => list of references to Diary Entry Structures

      $attrib = ars_GetActiveLink($ctrl,$activelink);
      $help = $attrib->{"helpText"};

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Last changes to this page 16th July 1997 by